HTML packages

The HTML elements are put into two packages, which can be loaded separately. Thus you can decide which set of HTML elements you want to work with.

HTML 3.2 and CSS - Contains everything in HTML 3.2 as in the recommendation by World Wide Web Consortium released 14 January 1997. This is the latest official specification of HTML. This package also has support for Cascading Style Sheets level 1 as defined in the W3C recommendation released 17 December 1996.

There is one thing which neither of these two recommendations specify and that is which elements have the three attributes CLASS, ID, and STYLE related to CSS. To find out that I have looked in the draft for HTML 4.0 from 17 September 97. This is a draft and may change in the future.

Extensions - Contains everything in HTML 3.2, CSS, and Netscape's and Microsoft's extensions to HTML.

You choose which set of HTML tags you want to use in the submenu Packages in the HTML menu. There you can make some more choices about which tags and attributes to work with. Read more on the page about the Packages menu.